If you have not listened to Sir Ken Robinson’s TED talk, Do schools kill creativity?, it is well worth the 16 minutes it takes. https://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity#t-157891 One of the main points of his talk is that it is hard to conceive of what the future will hold for our children. Can we even imagine what the year 2065 will look like? To prepare our students to meet this vast unknown, Robinson makes the case that educators must nurture (rather than undermine) creativity. At Franklin Discovery Academy, we continually strive to cultivate creativity. In STEM Rec, our guiding principles are as follows: Why do we exist? -To ignite a passion for learning How do we behave? -We love, support and challenge our students What do we do? -We create a rich, engaging and positive learning community How will we succeed? -We believe in our students BUT…....we need your help. Our makerspace is a wonderful way to...