STEM Rec Challenges October 1-5

STEM Rec Challenges October 1-5 Announcement The Art Station is trying to round up volunteers who know how to decorate cakes. Are there any talented parents out there who would be willing to volunteer a bit of time and energy assisting the art station with this activity? They are hoping to present “cake decorating” as an art challenge around the first of December. If you are interested in helping, please email Jenale at Art Paul Klee - Castle and Sun Art will be discussing a famous artist by the name of Paul Klee who is known for his unique and creative style. Students will be using shapes and paint to make castles reminiscent of his style. Literacy UNO Game of the Month is UNO! Come learn all the rules of UNO and play with your friends at literacy this week. Social Studies Archaeology We learn about cultures from almost every era of time-but how do we know what life was like back then? Let's head to MesoAmerica and practic...