Notes from STEM

Notes from STEM

I want to send a big thank you out to all the parents who sent in supplies from our donation list. Seriously, the parents of Franklin Discoveryl rock. You have already made such a difference. We are so grateful.

There are several other items we are looking for…..
  1. If you have toys you are getting rid of, we could use them in our Fox Dot store.  You might be surprised at how excited students get about them.  
  2. The art center is looking for old t-shirts for an upcoming service project. They are going to weave blankets from them. If you have been looking for a reason to clear out your t-shirt drawer, now is your chance!  It’s for a good cause.

Kids say the darndest things
Overhead in STEM this week

(Miss Cindy is in the engineering area with several first graders playing with legos)

Student 1:  Miss Cindy, are there any lego people?

Miss Cindy: Well, if you look through the bucket you might find some.

(Quietly looking through the legos)

Miss Cindy: Hey look!! I found a lego head.

Student 2: That is something I never understand. Why do people want to murder legos?!?

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