STEM Rec Challenges / March 12 -15

STEM Rec Challenges
March 12-15, 2018

Reminder: Friday, March 16 is a Professional Development Day for all teachers at Franklin Discovery Academy.  No School for students this day.

Chemical reactions. For the remainder of the month students will be studying chemistry at the science table. This week we will talk about reactants, products, activation energy and chemical equations. We will be using combustion as an example of a chemical reaction. Students will learn about the chemical reaction of a candle burning.

Rap it Up. In literacy this week, students will be learning about rhythm by making up a rap or song about a favorite activity we like to do.  Students will recite it to a rhythm while everyone else tries to guess what that favorite activity is!

Social Studies
Step into the Renaissance. This week students will learn about the Renaissance and be introduced to Michelangelo.  They will learn how he painted the Sistine Chapel and then create their own ceiling art.

Technology & Math
Coding Continued.  Math and technology are teaming up to teach our students coding. The younger grades will be learning “LightBot”,  a puzzle game based on coding. This game secretly teaches students programming logic as they play. The older grades will be using Raspberry Pi computers and learning python programming.

Stained Glass. This week art will head to beautiful Ireland. Students will explore castles, churches, and cathedrals that are home to some of the most remarkable stained glass masterpieces known. They will then be making their own version of stained glass.  

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