STEM Rec / June 2018

STEM Rec Challenges
June 2018

Week #1 / June 4 - 8
Healthy and Happy Me - Morgan DeRoche, Team Lead

To kick off summer session, we want it to be all about the students. We will be focusing on how to be healthy and happy by learning about self-esteem, gratitude, good sportsmanship and citizenship. Students will be doing art projects, playing team building activities outside, participating a special kind of scavenger hunt, and lots more!

Week #2 / June 11 - 15
Camping….How and why people sleep outside for fun - Keaton Wight, Team Lead

What equipment do you need to go camping? Students will get to go shopping and decide which camping supplies are essential and which are luxuries. They will plan a menu, learn camping games, hear campfire stories and write their own. They will even learn to pitch a tent.

Week #3 / June 18 - 22
Be Sunbeatable - Rhylee Nordgran, Team Lead

It’s not just plants that absorb and metabolizes sunlight, humans do it too. However, the relationship between sun exposure and health in humans isn’t as straightforward as we might want it to be. Sun Protection is an important part of children’s overall health and well-being. We will be discussing the power of the sun and how it both helps and can potentially harm us.

Week #4 June 25 - 29
Roller Coasters - Annette Fullenwider

We will be looking at roller coasters around the USA. Students will map out where they are located, discuss kinetic and potential energy, measure angles, learn about the mathematical terms mean, median and mode. This week’s topic will culminate with students building roller coasters with k’nex.

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