STEM Rec Challenges February 11 - 15, 2019

STEM Rec Challenges
February 11 - 15, 2019

Clouds and Weather. This is the first week of the sciences table's weather unit. Students will learn to identify different types of clouds and what they do. They will also learn the causes of precipitation.

Coding. Students will be building the layout of a game, creating the art and animating a character to play in the game using Bloxels. Bloxels is a hands-on platform for kids to build, collaborate, and tell stories through video game creation. Thank you to the Trueblood family for donating this fun program.

Watercolor.  Art will be working on some watercolor Valentine's Day art.  Give your watercolor art piece to your favorite Valentine or you can use it to decorate your room.

Don't Eat Pete! Students will learn new vocabulary words by reading a fun book. They will reinforce the new vocabulary by playing a fun game called “Don’t Eat Pete”!

Social Studies
Ruby Bridges was six when she became the first African-American child to integrate a white Southern elementary school. This brave girl paved the way for continued Civil Rights action. Students will learn Ruby’s story and discuss what how we are all similar and what makes us different.

Farkle. Students will  is a dice game with lots of adding and problem solving to decide what score you think you can get.

Music Monday
Rhythm. Rhythm is all around us. It’s not just the beat of music. Rhythm can be seen, heard and felt during our daily experience. Rhythm activities engage children in concepts of order, organization and discipline. Plus, making music together is fun. 

Wellness Thursday
Team building Games. Team-building activities provide kids with situational tools that they need to recognize those around them and interact with others in a meaningful way.  They are also a fun way to teach students cooperation.

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