STEM Rec Challenges / January 16 - 19

STEM Rec Challenges
January 16-19, 2018

No School - Monday, January 15 (Martin Luther King Day)

Optical Illusions use color, light or patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. Students will scrutinize some illusions to sort out reality from perception.

Seed germination is an essential step in a plant’s life cycle and very well regulated. We'll be setting up experiments to both determine which conditions encourage germination, and to practice experimental design. Students will learn about forming a hypothesis, choosing treatment conditions, and the importance of a control group.

Illustrators For A Day.  Get your best drawing and coloring skills ready because this week in literacy we are talking about pictures books! Students will have a chance to do some illustrations for some popular and classic picture books and then compare their work with the illustrators!  

Social Studies
Escape to freedom.  What was the purpose of the Underground Railroad?   Come learn about the heroic men and women who made their way North and see if you have the skill and luck needed to make it through yourself.

Technology / Engineering
Science Fair Research. This week students will be using technology to research science fair projects. They will be focusing on the brainstorming and research portion at school. Projects will need to be completed at home.  

Plotting and Graphing.  In math this week, students will be learning about plotting points and how to graph them.  Students will learn about the four quadrants and their placements and how they work. They will complete the assignment when they plot specific points on the graph and connect the points to create a picture.

Russia Bound. On our journey around the world, Russia will be our next stop. We will be talking about the famous visual artist Wassily Kandinsky. Students will re-create their  own version of his work working with color study, squares and concentric circles. It will be a great project with lots of color.

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