STEM1 Rec Challenges / November 27 - December

STEM Rec Challenges
November 27 - December 1

Taste Focus Challenge. We've completed our month on magnets, and this week move on to studying our senses. First up is our sense of taste. Gustatory cells allow us to experience taste, but not everyone experiences taste the same way. Students will compare their sense of taste to others and see if they might be a supertaster.

Literacy - Morgan D
Making books come to life. We will be reading selected children's books, discussing them, and then making books come to life by acting them out! The focus will be on the elements of a story.
2D Snow Globes. It is getting cold outside, so on our journey around the world we are going to Austria to learn about snow globes  and how they are made. Students will then have fun making their own 2D snow globe!

Photography Scavenger Hunt.  Students will be introduced to photography and given the opportunity to explore their creative side.
Building shapes with cubes. Students will be building shapes with cubes and learning the difference in how shapes are made up and the different ways to find their perimeters and areas by counting the cubes that make up the outside of the shape and filling in the entire shape to find the area.

Social Studies
Samurai Training. This week we head East to Feudal Japan.  We’ve seen soldiers before, but nothing quite matches up to the Samurai training.  Could you live up to the Bishido code?

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